The aim of my work is playfully to offer / exchange knowledge and experiences, to give impulses for a respectful treatment of the world in which we live.
I would like to criticize the one-sided emphasis on the acquisition of (rational) knowledge and the most conflict-free classification into the mechanisms of our society with their values and traditions – in which performance and success often come first.
However, my free, open-minded approach should not encourage people to disregard conventions or manners in the first place – this would only be a response to society and not free action – rather, I would like to ask about the implications and causes of our deliberately directed society in ourselves.
Your own limits can be explored in contact with other people. Through my work with people, I want to support experience-based and potential-focused living learning in order to reduce the violence that makes interpersonal contact and communication difficult every day.
I understand my work as an elementary common recognition and exploration of options for action. Together with others, I would like to develop possibilities and solutions that will leave a livable environment for our children and the following generations.